Application Steps
1. Download relevant application and FAQ
2. Complete application
Certification Type (p. 2-3)
1.1 Choose one:
- ORGANIC COTTON (100% organic cotton)
- ORGANIC COTTON Blended (at least 70% organic cotton)
1.2 Choose Annex
- Annex 4/5
The parameters & defined limit values are reliable, advised & sensible. They are fixed from a human ecological point of view. - Annex 6/7
The expanded criteria catalogue has been developed especially for companies who are focused on the DETOX campaign.
1.3 Choose:
Choose application type:
- First certification
- Renewal
- Modification
Company Info (p. 3)
You've got this.
Previous Application and Label Check (p. 4)
1.4 Previous Institute
Has your company ever applied for OEKO-TEX® certification with another institute?
- Yes, include institute & certificate #
- No
1.5 Label Check Display
Show your company name & address in the OEKO-TEX® Label Check?
- Yes
- No
(Starting 2026, this level of transparency will be required.)
Products + Renewal/Extension (p. 5)
2. Description
- This description shows up on your certificate
- Choose only one product class. Chosen class covers all higher product classes and influences testing requirements
- Only for renewal or extension
3. Classes
Classes are based on risk and intended use.
4. Renewal or Extension Only
- Certificate #
- Certificate date
- Expiration date
Applicant Business Type (p. 5-6)
5.1. For Textiles
- Select if you are a trader/retailer or producer
- If producer, select your production activities
5.2. For Leather
- Select if you are a trader/retailer or producer
- If producer, select your production activities
Production Site (p. 6-7)
- Is address on company info the same as production site?
If no, add address here.
Attach Word doc with additional locations
Quality Assurance (p. 7-8)
6 Who?
- Person responsible for quality assurance
6.1 How?
- Attach copies of certificates
- Attach flow chart of quality assurance process
Track these in tab 2 of our supporting documents template.
Source Materials (p. 8)
Are your source materials pre-certified to STANDARD 100 or LEATHER STANDARD?
-or- - SOME
-or- - ALL
You will need to include a list later in the application.
Source Chemicals (p. 9)
Are your source chemicals pre-certified to ECO PASSPORT?
-or- - ANY (or all)
You will need to include a list later in the application.
Material Owner (p. 9)
"Applicant" applies to most.
Organic Cotton (p. 9)
- Organic cotton used*
- Specify % organic
- Conventional cotton used
- Both organic* and conventional cotton
*GMO testing and traceability certificates will be required.
Leather Tanning (p. 10)
- Chrome-free
- Metal-free
- N/A
Recycled Material (p. 10)
Recycled materials must be on a separate application form and certificate from non-recycled materials.
Please submit separate application forms for recycled vs non-recycled materials.
- Check if you produced the recycled material - specify the chemical or mechanical recycling process
- Check if you purchased the recycled material
- Post- vs pre-consumer recycled
- % recycled material in product
*Attach certificate of origin or validation of any recycled material claim.
Garment Sizes (p. 11)
Leave blank if unknown or N/A
Textile Materials (p. 11-12)
8.6.1 - 8.6.7
- DO NOT leave blank
- If unknown, choose “not known”
8.6.8 - Renewal Only
Process changes - What has changed since previous application?
Leather Material (p. 13-16)
Complete this section if product is made of leather or contains leather components (including leather, leather fiber board, skin or fur). – - Leather Origin
- List the country of origin
- Attach proof of origin
- Check N/A if no leather
- Do you consider animal welfare?
- Do you conduct risk analysis for deforestation?
- Traceability with physical marking and reliable data:
- Back to single slaughterhouse/farm
- Back to single slaughterhouse/farm and country
- Back to slaughterhouse group and region/country by geo-preferenced location
- Not traceable
8.7.2 – 8.7.11
- Complete if product is made of leather or contains leather components
- Skip if no leather
8.7.12 - Renewal only
Process changes - What has changed since previous application?
Special Chemicals (p. 17-18)
Biologically active substances
Yes (+ list) or no
Flame retardant substances
Yes (+ list) or no
Specific navy blue
Yes or no
Yes or no
Other Materials & Treatments (p. 18)
Describe processing for non-textile and non-leather materials
Describe any other treatments
Resellers (p. 18-19)
Skip section if manufacturer - only complete if buying product to resell without further processing
Number of suppliers
You will include a list of suppliers later in the application.
For OEKO-TEX® ORGANIC COTTON Certification Only (p. 19)
10 Organic Cotton
Percentage of organic cotton in articles to be certified
Applicable only if purchasing organic cotton directly from the farm - Attach IFOAM certificate
Commitment (p. 20-21)
- COMPANY Name + Address
- Product description: Copy/paste answer from section 1
- Agree to Terms of Use
- Don’t forget to sign and date!
List: OEKO-TEX® Pre-certified Materials & Chemicals (p.22)
- Enclose a copy of each OEKO-TEX® certificate with your application
- Enclose proof of business relationship with the supplier (e.g. invoice, delivery slip, etc.)
This list is tab 3 in our supporting documents template.
List: Materials & Chemicals with NO OEKO-TEX® Certificate (p. 23)
This list is tab 4 in our supporting documents template.
List: Dyestuffs & Colorants Used (p. 24)
This list is tab 5 in our supporting documents template.
Optional: List Non-dyestuff Chemicals & Auxiliaries (p. 25)
More detail = lower testing cost
This list is tab 6 in our supporting documents template.
List: Recycled Materials (p. 26-27)
This list is tab 7 in our supporting documents template.
Large-scale Products (p. 28)
Only for mattress, carpet, foam furniture, leather
3. Complete Declaration of Conformity
- Company name and address must match certificate
- If there is a change from previous application, send new legal documents (W2, etc)
- Include personal name and company name
- Must select annex (matching application)
- If there are changes between application submission and completion, a new declaration is required
Download the applicable document.
4. Gather supporting documents
Include copies of supplier certificates (STANDARD 100, LEATHER STANDARD, ECO PASSPORT).
Send proof of quality assurance and external certificates.
Proof of Quality Assurance and Management
- Complete details in the supporting documents spreadsheet - Quality Assurance tab
- For externally certified management systems, such as ISO 9000, ISO 14000, EMAS, OEKO-TEX® STeP or SA 8000, include a copy of the certificate
- For in-house quality management systems, include a short description
Recycled Materials
- Complete details in the supporting documents spreadsheet - Recycled Materials tab
- Include certificate(s) of origin for each recycled material
Organic Materials
- Include GOTS or other traceability certificate
5. Collect samples for testing
Sample Instructions
Submit material samples, including:
- All types of pre-treatment, finishing and coloration processes
- All dye classes and dyestuffs evenly distributed in maximum concentration
- Samples in red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, orange and purple
- Max 5 dyestuffs per sample
- Samples in each fluorescent color to be tested separately
- All printing dyestuffs in maximum concentration:
- Solid printed color swatch: 12” x 12” (30 x 30 cm)
- One block print per dyestuff, five samples from current production for each printing process
- Screenprints, heat transfer, sublimation, direct, etc.
- 12” x 12” full coverage drawdowns of red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, orange and purple
- Submit a collection of printed samples that will cover red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, orange and purple in pattern
6. Ship to Hohenstein
- Completed and signed application
- Signed Declaration of Conformity
- Supplier certificates (with relationship proof) and supporting documents (electronic versions preferred)
Optional: Also print and staple supplier certificates to the specific sample - Samples
-Processing can NOT begin until all samples are received
-Shipping all samples together speeds the process
Test sample packaging must satisfy specific quality requirements in order to protect the samples and guarantee accurate, reproducible and meaningful test results.
- Test samples must be packed individually in tear resistant polyethylene film or polyethylene bags, to avoid contamination during transport
- The samples should be wrapped twice and sealed with adhesive tape
- The packed bags must be properly labeled for identification with sample numbers, material, supplier, receipts, etc.
- Packing test samples solely in cardboard boxes and/or paper is strictly prohibited
- Whether shipping from separate locations, direct from suppliers or in one box: please ensure all samples are clearly and correctly labeled so that they can be matched with your application
Hohenstein Institute America
304 Sroufe Street
Ligonier, IN 46767
+1 800 731 9468 - For other AMERICAS customers:
Hohenstein Laboratories GmbH & Co. KG
Schlosssteige 1
74357 Boennigheim
+49 7143 271-0 - For all OTHER customers:
Please check with your local Hohenstein contact.
- In addition to including them with the shipment, please email the documents to your main Hohenstein America contact
- Your company's W9 form
- Any vendor forms required for your company to process payments
Avoid Delays:
- Provide clear, detailed information in the application & supporting documents – what are you making, how are you making it, and what is it made of?
- Respond to inquiries in a timely manner – if there are questions or things that need clarification during the review process, respond as soon as you’re able
- Be prepared to pay once the invoice is issued – payment in advance of testing is required for the first certification
- Clearly label samples. Consolidate shipments if possible
Evaluation Steps
7. Plan and pricing
Hohenstein team:
- Reviews the information and follows up with questions on any open items
- Creates a testing plan
- Provides the price for the certification
- Ships the samples to our lab in Germany (for US customers)
8. Testing at Hohenstein lab in Germany
Testing takes ~2 weeks once shipment goes through customs.
9. Certificate and Label issued for 1 year
If all testing is passed, you will receive:
- Test report
- Certificate valid for 1 year
- Product label valid for 1 year
10. Quality assurance meeting (on-site visit)
After the certificate is issued, we will schedule an on-site visit of your facility to complete the certification process.
To ensure:
- Application matches reality
- Quality assurance system is in place
- Knowledge of certificate benefits cost reduction opportunities
- Within 1 year of certificate
- Every 3rd year thereafter
- Every year
- Before the certificate is issued